Displays Dew point temperatures in Dry air or Gas.
Completely self contained no wires are needed.
FACTORY CALIBRATION ensures that all MLPR Logs are the most accurate dry air hygrometers. Readings in very dry air or gas are accurate to better than one part per million of moisture.
INDEPENDENT OF MAINS SUPPLY. "Moisture Logs" have a five year, easily replaceable Lithium Battery so are not affected by mains limitations or by power failures.
AIR DRYER MANUFACTURERS can quickly check by a threaded entry fitted for the sensor which has Shaw Automatic Calibration with user checking and recalibration.
REMOTE LOCATION The sensor can be connected by standard coaxial t/v cable to remote sites up to half a mile distant.
SIMPLY PLACE THE LOG AND SENSOR inside a Glove Box to observe the dew point display. Sealed packages can have log and sensor placed inside as no connecting wires are needed.
RECORDING PERIODS. The MLPR will record any moisture and times are user selected from minutes to four years. Simply connect to your PC serial port to download recordings or print graphs, or spreadsheets.
The kit includes a Shaw rotary convertor for moisture units. 8.3.00
The smart carry case contains :-
1. Model MLPR hygrometer.
2. EL 2- Floppy disk,
3. Moisture Log connecting cable to windows computer.
4. Sensor lead with one female and one male end.
5. Computer instruction sheet.
6. Gold plated 20 year life Sensor
- The new "Moisture Logs" are self contained and ready for use when delivered. Although the new technology is far more advanced than contemporary hygrometers, the simple user approach has been a fundamental consideration.
- These new vest pocket size hygrometers are not affected in any way by mains voltage limitations or power failures as they are powered by an easily replaceable lithium battery with five years life and they record for a period of five minutes to four years, user selected.
- They can be used with the sensor connected, or with the coaxial lead provided, For remote dial reading, standard coaxial t/v cable provides a display of moisture, at up to half a mile distant from the sensor.
- "Moisture Logs" record for a period of five minutes to four years, user selected. Continuous recording of the latest week is standard, but you may order any recording period up to four years preselected, if you do not have a computer. A friend with a 'Windows' based computer can down load the records for you as all the software and connections are provided.
The hygrometers can be used like voltmeters, as the range is fixed. No data base or extra equipment is needed to down load directly to your computer. A full screen, large display of the amount of moisture, can be seen on lap top computers running Windows 95 or on MS Dos. The software will print graphs, records or spreadsheets. Several sensors can be connected to one meter. Complete with software floppy disc, connecting lead to computer, coaxial sensor lead. Shaw moisture sensor included is gold plated and has a gold filter. In attractive carry case.